Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Apple & Carrot Cake (GF)

Apple & Carrot GF Breakfast Cake with coconut whipped topping 
from Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free

Look good? I got the recipe for this Apple Carrot cake from the website Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free. The website and cookbook are authored by Amy Green. I've had her cookbook on my wish list for a year and just ordered it. I've spent the last year trying to nail down gluten free* eating, just wasn't ready to tackle sugar until recently. I finally took a look at her website and discovered that she offers a lot of info and recipes on her site as well. Here's a link to this recipe on her website: Apple & Carrot Gluten Free Breakfast Cake: Vitamixed.

I asked my better half to make this cake, since he actually enjoys cooking and I'm better at clean up. We had to buy some 'alternative' baking products to make it, plus we didn't have a food processor, but our version of this cake was delicious. We decided to try the coconut whipped topping from the cookbook. Both cake and whipped topping are gluten free and use no refined sugar.

Check out her website: Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free and look around, she has a variety of recipes and I was inspired by her own story which she shares about giving up gluten and sugar.

I eat a gluten free diet due to wheat sensitivity/allergy, I'm not recommending this to anyone who eats a gluten free diet for a medical condition such as Celiac sprue.  If you'd like more info on gluten free foods from a Registered Dietician who has Celiac, see my sister's site Balanced Body Nutrition.

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