Thursday, May 10, 2012

Big Blue

My post on Tuesday had photos of my deck railing baskets. Unlike the community garden plot, I didn't  spend a lot of time thinking about what I'd plant in them. I knew I wanted more lettuce, then later realized I wanted some spinach too, but hadn't thought too much about the flowers.

Lately, I've been posting about the local nurseries I've been to. I've bought plants when I found the perfect ones for the railing, hanging baskets or the veggies for the garden. This is extremely controlled compared to my previous shopping sprees, by the way.  While at Chapman's Greenhouse, I saw really healthy trailing lobelia plants, with no flowers.  So I looked at the plant tag, saw the name "Big Blue" and grabbed two for the railing baskets. Just the name alone sounded cool to me.

Big Blue Lobelia

After seeing it bloom I've decided I might use this one in containers from now on. The flowers are very large and an intense cobalt color.

I remember seeing lobelia for the first time when I was about 8 years old.  A friend of my mom's had a beautiful yard, in the back along the perfectly edged lawn was a ring of blue lobelia. It was so simple, yet so striking that it made an impression on me. Lobelia continues to be one of my favorite annuals.

I'll be out of town for a few days and won't be able to post again until next week. Hope everyone enjoys Mother's Day weekend, and locally some warm sunny weather.

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