Thursday, May 2, 2013

This is What We Were Waiting For

For months we counted down to the start of spring, and now that it's here we can revel in it. (Unless you live up north and are still getting more snow, that is). I decided to share a couple more photos of my parent's yard. While at their house earlier this week, I couldn't help taking a few more pictures. It is unbelievable the explosion of color there. 

Golden Chain Tree, Lilac, and yellow Kurume Azalea in the back

Wood Hyacinth and Camassia Lillies in the back

A white dwarf Iris with Wood Hyacinth, Roses, and Iris

Bachelor Buttons beneath a Honey Suckle vine

I spent a lot of time in that garden, but won't take all of the credit. My mom has brought home many new additions, usually gifts from neighbors and friends like poppies and yellow flowering ground cover. The plants themselves have spread or reseeded (at one point Bachelor Buttons everywhere.) It's also gratifying to see the plants mature and take on their true form. Each year the yard continues to change.

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