Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Plant of the Summer - Asarina

Blue Asarina.  

This summer my plant selection deviated from most plans I'd made. Usually, the very first trip to the nursery results in several plants that I hadn't intended on buying. Which of course happened this year. I did have a list and I stuck to it, but I think the later trip to the grocery store where I bought the yellow zinnias was my red flag. When dealing with a small garden space you have to have room for each plant. Mine contained more yellow zinnias than I'd intended and put an early end to my nursery shopping.

I had several plants die and I'm really not sure why. There was the blue poppy, dead in under a week and the Black eyed Susan vines, which I quickly replaced with plants that did fine.

On my last visit to Chapman's Greenhouse I found Asarina plants. My mom and I had been there a couple of years ago and she had a clipping from a magazine with a photo of Asarina / Climbing Snapdragon Vine. They are a small nursery, but they did grow it. At the time it was too early and the plants weren't mature enough. When we went back they were gone.

So when I found them this summer I bought a red one for her and a blue one for me. Mine sat in the plastic pot for awhile. Then I tried to set it up on the 1/2 wall, but it was too windy, too sunny, and hard to water. So I planted it in a clay pot and set it on a table in the corner of the deck. It sat there unnoticed until I realized it was almost touching the ground, then I discovered several blooms.

That's when I decided to replace the pots in the Potlach clips on the screen with the Asarina.

After striking out with several plants earlier in the season, it is very gratifying to have this plant do so well on it's own.


Gratitude is my word of the year.

Today I am grateful for:
The beginning of Fall
The rain that did my watering today
my mom's magazine clippings
drafting work that has kept me busy all summer long
Black Rabbit Sunday brunch

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